
Thursday, 29 August 2019


This i my 2nd niggle for my reading work. Can you plz tell me some things I should add next time.

Thursday, 22 August 2019


In reading for term 3, my group looked at a story called niggles. 
Can I have some feedback...

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Fireworks should be banned

Fireworks should be banned.
Fireworks should be banned and not to be used.
3 reasons why we should not use fireworks. 

Reason 1: Fireworks scary animals because fireworks are loud and
when they bang the animals  will get startled. In some cases animals
will run around by the noise of the fireworks.

Reason 2:When a firework goes off the noise can make it hard to
sleep for some people and because people can set them off all year
round at night when people are trying to sleep.

Reason 3: Fireworks can because they can be super dangerous.
Fireworks can be dangerous because fireworks can start a fire
and if a firework hits you that you can die or get severe injuries.
This is because they are explosives.

Now you can see why fireworks should be banned for these reasons
and more. They can take a life.

We should no always use animals.

We should not always use animals.
In my opinion we should not always use animals to work
because animals should be free and not working
against their will. 3 reasons why we should not use animals.
Reason 1: At sea world you are able to see beluga whales but beluga
whales live in the Arctic Ocean. Beluga whales live in an area that is
84 degrees Fahrenheit/29 Celsius. Do you think that Sea World and
especially sea world in Africa can make that same environment like
the Arctic Ocean? 

Reason 2: Horse racing is bad because horse racing is about
gambling. The Horse racers hit the horse to make them go faster.
This is when horse racing gets really bad because if a horse gets
a broken leg they shot the horse only because it’s very difficult for
the broken leg of a horse to heal correctly. Also some people give
horses drugs to make them run faster but it is illegal and also it is
bad for the horse.

Reason 3: Some people use elephants to lift logs in  Asia because
elephants can lift heavy things with their trunks but that is bad
because elephants can get hurt. It is also mean because animals
should live freely and not use to lift logs and other heavy stuff.

So for all of these reasons and more people using animals 
should be banned. Animals should be free and live happy and not
being used by people.